# Scene

# Parent node

# Child nodes

# Attributes

name | terrain | forest_density | is_siege_map | is_village_map

  • # name

    类型: string
    例子: {=!}battle_terrain_a (Plain)
    The name of the scene

  • # terrain

    类型: string
    possible values: Plain | Desert | Steppe | Swamp | Forest 例子: Plain
    The terrain of the scene

  • # forest_density

    类型: string
    possible values: Low | High 例子: Low
    The forest density on the scene
    Note: the value seems to be case insensitive

  • # is_siege_map

    类型: boolean
    接受值: true | false
    default value: false
    例子: true
    If the scene is a Siege scene

  • # is_village_map

    类型: boolean
    接受值: true | false
    default value: false
    例子: true
    If the scene is a Village scene